megamoolah| National Development and Reform Commission: By the end of 2025, all regions will establish energy-saving management files for key energy-using units with an annual comprehensive energy consumption of 5000 tons of standard coal and above


Newsletter summary

[national Development and Reform CommissionMegamoolahBy the end of 2025MegamoolahVarious regions have established annual comprehensive energy consumption of 5000 tons of standard coal and above key energy use units energy conservation management files] Securities Times Network News, the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission issued a circular on in-depth diagnosis of energy efficiency of key energy use units by the end of 2024Megamoolah.Megamoolah..

Text of news flash

[national Development and Reform Commission: by the end of 2025, all regions will establish energy conservation management files for key energy use units with annual comprehensive energy consumption of 5000 tons of standard coal and above] Securities Times News, the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission issued a circular on in-depth diagnosis of energy efficiency of key energy use units, and by the end of 2024, all regions will establish energy conservation management files for key energy use units with annual comprehensive energy consumption of 10, 000 tons and above. We will complete the energy-saving supervision of more than 60% of key energy-using units, find out the energy efficiency level of key energy-using units and their major energy-using equipment, and update the reserve list of energy-saving and carbon-reducing renovation and energy-using equipment renewal projects. By the end of 2025, all regions will establish energy-saving management files of 5000 tons of standard coal and above with annual comprehensive energy consumption, achieve full coverage of energy-saving supervision of key energy-using units, further improve the management level of energy-saving and carbon reduction of key energy-using units, and continuously improve the reserve list of energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation and energy-using equipment renewal projects. Proofread: Liao Shengchao

megamoolah| National Development and Reform Commission: By the end of 2025, all regions will establish energy-saving management files for key energy-using units with an annual comprehensive energy consumption of 5000 tons of standard coal and above