pokerstove| Taotian: During the June 18 period, the turnover of 28 brands exceeded 100 million within one hour of opening sales


Sina Technology News Morning news on May 21pokerstove, Tmall 618 is officially on sale. News from TaotianpokerstoveAs of 0:00 on May 21, in just 4 hours, the sales of 59 brands exceeded 100 million, and the sales of 376 single products exceeded 10 million. Tmall 618 canceled pre-sales for the first time and broke out immediately after the spot sale started.

It is understood that this year, Tmall has invested an additional 15 billion red envelopes on top of the 300 minus 50 per cent reduction and the official reduction of 15%. In terms of merchant services, Tmall has also introduced a huge amount of star maps to upgrade cooperation with Tencent Advertising, Zhihu, Station B, etc. Cooperation with more than 200 Internet platforms to enhance the ability of merchants to obtain customers across the entire network. The number of visits to venues increased 14 times compared with last year's 618 venues.

Before the launch of 618, 88VIP's two large coupons, namely, a discount of 400 for 5000 yuan and a discount of 1200 yuan for 1,000 yuan, were issued in advance, and a subsidy of 10 billion yuan was provided to "King Fried the Family Barrel".

The sales started at 8 p.m., and the turnover of 28 brands exceeded 100 million within one hour of the launch. Driven by the fact that the price of the iPhone 15 can drop by 2300 yuan, Apple's first-hour turnover exceeded 1.5 billion yuan, and the transactions of seven brands including Huawei, Xiaomi, vivo, Lenovo, and Glory also quickly exceeded 100 million yuan.

Compared with the first day of sales of Tmall 618 last year, live liquor sales increased by more than 1300%, driving the liquor industry to grow by 147%. On the night of the opening sale, nearly 30 Taobao wine live broadcast rooms started at the same time.

pokerstove| Taotian: During the June 18 period, the turnover of 28 brands exceeded 100 million within one hour of opening sales

The turnover of 11 brands in 4 hours exceeded 100 million, and the sales of Peléya exceeded 4pokerstove.700 million. The transaction volume of 118 single products exceeded 10 million.

Four hours after the launch of sales, home decoration and home appliance brands broke out. The turnover of 23 brands including Dyson, Haier, Hisense, Xiaomi, Lin's Home Furnishings, and Quan You exceeded 100 million, and the turnover of 119 single products exceeded 10 million.