westerngoldmegaways| Midday review: Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.17% Real estate and chemical fiber sectors were among the top gainers


Securities Times e Company NewswesterngoldmegawaysToday, the three major indexes remained volatile in early trading. As of the close of noon, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.0%westerngoldmegaways.17%, Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.14%, and GEM Index fell 0.13%. On the market, the real estate sector surged sharply, with Tiandi Yuan and Yunnan Urban Investment Corporation trading at daily limits; the gold concept, low-altitude economic concept, household supplies, chemical fiber, household appliances and other sectors were among the top gainers;Sora concept, synthetic biology concept, and securities companies, electricity, and pharmaceuticals and other sectors were among the top losers. About 2500 stocks in the two cities rose, with a half-day turnover of approximately 470 billion yuan.

westerngoldmegaways| Midday review: Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.17% Real estate and chemical fiber sectors were among the top gainers