touchscreenvideopoker| There is another big news in the property markets in Beijing, Shenzhen and Nanjing


Source Wind Wande

touchscreenvideopoker| There is another big news in the property markets in Beijing, Shenzhen and Nanjing

May eleventhTouchscreenvideopokerIn one day, Beijing, Shenzhen, Nanjing and other places launched the new policy on the property market again.

The industry believes that at this time, it is the graduation season of colleges and universities, and the new deal is expected to attract more immigrants to work and live.

/ / Beijing strengthens the implementation of regional policies, emphasizing the standardized development of the leasing market / /

Beijing plans to supply about 6 million square meters of commercial housing this year, according to the annual housing development plan for 2024 released on May 11.

The annual plan also proposes to strengthen the implementation of regional policies, one district and one policy, precise implementation of policies, and optimize real estate policies.

According to the annual plan, Beijing plans to allocate 1060 hectares of land for various types of housing this year. Among them, it is planned to arrange a lower limit of 300 hectares of commercial housing land supply and 300 hectares of storage, insisting on demand. At the same time, it is planned to allocate 460 hectares of land for indemnificatory housing, including 200 hectares of land for rent and allotment of affordable housing.

This year, we plan to build and raise 70,000 units of indemnificatory rental housing and complete 80,000 units of indemnificatory housing of various types.

The plan also makes it clear that the development of the housing rental market should be standardized. We will fully implement the Beijing regulations on Housing Leasing, improve the housing rental policy system, implement policies such as deposit trusteeship and rent supervision for housing leasing, and standardize individual subleases, so as to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the tenants. Pay close attention to the rental demand of new citizens, young people and migrant workers, increase the supply of indemnificatory rental housing of apartment type and dormitory type, at the same time support the standardized development of long-term rental apartment industry, and increase the supply of market-oriented rental housing of "one bed, one room".

Industry insiders believe that the New deal proposes a number of measures aimed at the pain points of the migrant population, which will help to further enhance the attractiveness of the city.

/ / Shenzhen officially updates the evaluation of stock housing / /

On May 11, Shenzhen officially updated the evaluation price of stock housing.

The day before, Shenzhen real estate evaluation price inquiry system V3Touchscreenvideopoker.0 issued a reminder that the Shenzhen Natural Resources and Real Estate Evaluation and Development Research Center will update the evaluation price of stock housing on May 11, 2024.

At the same time, the evaluation price of stock housing is updated regularly on September 1 every year (excluding this year).

The evaluation of stock housing price mainly evaluates the authenticity and rationality of stock housing transaction price. This valuation is often regarded as the main tax basis and is often set as the starting price of the auction house.

Industry analysts believe that in recent years, due to the impact of house price adjustment, the actual transaction prices of some properties have been far lower than the evaluation. The update of the valuation will make the taxable reference price closer to the current market price, which is expected to reduce the tax cost of stock second-hand housing and boost market transactions.

The industry believes that the relaxation of purchase restrictions and the superposition of the 11-day New deal will help to further absorb foreign population.

/ / Nanjing implements "to buy a house and settle down" / /

On May 11, the Nanjing Public Security Bureau issued a notice on matters related to the legal and stable settlement of dwellings, further relaxing the conditions for settling down. Non-Nanjing registered residents who have a legal and stable residence in Nanjing and actually live may directly apply for settlement.

According to the notice, people who have legal and stable dwellings (that is, houses with legal property rights) in urban areas of Nanjing can apply for their own hukou to move into the housing. Their spouses, unmarried children and parents (who have exceeded the legal retirement age or have gone through retirement formalities) may apply for household registration to move with them.

Market participants believe that this policy can absorb more new demand within or outside the province.

On May 9, Hangzhou proposed in the new policy of the property market that non-registered residents who have obtained legal property rights in Hangzhou can apply for registration.