powerballresultsplease| Zhifei Biotech: The company's employee stock ownership plan management committee is responsible for the daily management of the plan, and the plan is currently in normal existence


Tonghuashun (300033) Financial Research Center, April 30powerballresultsplease, some investors asked Zhifei Biotech (300122)(300122), would you like to ask if the company has reduced its shares in the past two years in the employee stock ownership plan for common prosperity launched in 2022? At present, the company's share price will hit a new low. There are rumors that Mr. Jiang Rensheng, the company's chairman, will buy back the company's shares in his personal name. Is it true?

The company replied, Hello, according to the rules, the company's employee stock ownership plan management committee is responsible for the daily management of the plan. The plan is currently in normal existence. Thank you for your attention!

powerballresultsplease| Zhifei Biotech: The company's employee stock ownership plan management committee is responsible for the daily management of the plan, and the plan is currently in normal existence