coinmasterfreespins&coins| The shipping sector performed strongly: dry oil tankers continued to rise, consolidated shipping prices exceeded expectations, focusing on ZIM and COSCO Haikong AH

coinmasterfreespins&coins| The shipping sector performed strongly: dry oil tankers continued to rise, consolidated shipping prices exceeded expectations, focusing on ZIM and COSCO Haikong AH
快讯摘要 全球航运市场表现亮眼,美股干散货GNK、GOGL创新高,集运价格上涨超预期。跨境物流出口回暖,船舶板块业绩改善,航空机场客流大幅提升,快递行业件量同比增长25coinmasterfreespins&coins.2%。原油运价上涨,...
29 0 2024-05-06 Sports